Purush Aayog

The mere mention of the need of formation of Purush Aayog, which can work for male empowerment is often met with fortified resistance, especially here in India. ‘Why?’, you may ask – and rightly so! Surely everyone deserves and should be treated equally, irrespective of gender: right? Well apparently, not so…

You see, the problem that we are dealing with here is not directly related to individual perception, rather consensus. Perplexed? I cannot blame you, so allow me to explain.

In an attempt to promote equality for women who have evidently been oppressed and subjected to maltreatment, another stereotypical discrimination has ensued. What is that I am referring to you may ask. This is what I would term as ‘excessive feminism‘.

Essentially, women have campaigned relentlessly (sometimes genuinely warranted) for their rights. Be it equal wages, liberty, education, rights and social standing in society. This is all wonderful, except for one major omission. ‘What is that?’, you may ask. I am now referring to overlooking men and the current operational system surrounding their welfare.

Sadly and undeniably sharp truth is that women are more at the receiving end of sexual violence. Nevertheless, the rampant media reporting of it only seems to fuel singular mindset of \”all men\” being predators. However, can women also prey on men: is the reverse existent or even possible? As a phenomenon, absolutely yes – why not?! A man can also be subjected to issues such as domestic violence you know.

Now if men begin reporting being victims of or succumbing to violence, the common reaction would be ‘what will the world say or think about me?!\’ That intrinsic trepidation only serves to inhibit reporting suchlike and seeking help. Somehow, a man falling victim to a woman\’s abuse is perceived as cowardly, shameful and even a taboo. This unwanted ‘stigma’ renders any such incident as going unnoticed or buried within a swollen, burdened heart. However, this need not be so. Formation of a statutory body like “Purush Aayog” would help more men come forward, report abuse and seek redressal. It can work towards unliftment of men like National Commission of Women or State Commissions have done for women.

It would also act against the pinnacle problem, which is not of the opinions of people anymore, of the pathological perception driven system. This often churns out unilateral laws which only serve to protect females – and expose vulnerable men in the process. Being a victim of false allegations myself, I can empathise with wrongly framed men.

The recent ‘Me too’ movement was supposed to bring justice for those females who chronically awaited for such. Although this may have been the case, it also created a dangerous platform for slander against innocent men. This is precisely what occurred and ruined many high profile dignitaries, celebrities (including actors) and politicians, not to mention businessmen as well. Was this all worth it then? I personally feel that it was never a good cause and it had catastrophic effects. It was open to abuse and was subsequently directed at well, almost any person who was male and publicly wealthy.

Imagine if any such movement was directed against women? Just one unsubstantiated tweet against a woman and all bodies come to her rescue. Similarly Purush Aayog can help protect innocent men.


If you too empthize with the need of Purush Aayog, I call upon you to join us and Contribute towards creation of it.