Men’s Right Movement All Over Globe


According to society, man is defined as a male human who is muscular, financially independent, emotionally stable.  A subtle for them, “mard ko kabhi dard nhi hota” is grave injustice for them to not show their emotions, pain, instability. They have become physically strong but mentally limp. 

Women tyrannize their aims, pleasure, happiness by hanging up themselves. Women had been playing a vital role in subjugating women.  They are disguised members of patriarchy.

Bullying men and exploiting them has become a game for women. They are using Feminism as a wrong weapon against them. Multiple false allegations are being allege on them for molesting, dowry, sexual harassment all over the world. Men are being punished for the crimes they have not strived. Child custody goes  to the mother after divorce, without finding that she will be a good mother or not.

Men undergo various phases during false accusations. Estrangement, loss of capacity of intimacy, moodiness, are the consequences of wrongful imprisonment. Post- traumatic stress disorder provokes violence, threats, which further directs aggression. They lose their family and friends during undertaking. They are trolled by the media. Society starts accusing them. Due to this they feel guilty and undergo stigmatization. Stigmatization is the negative feeling. Because of all these, victims lose everything and have a negative label over them. There is a desideratum of stopping false allegations.

The way that the determination of remaining gathering after marriage is out there just to a woman further focuses on the assessment which sustains the job of an individual on the grounds that a definitive guardian and defender. It is exceptionally risky for one can\’t dispose of the probability that a few men or even tons more might want to possess home or work from home but it implies lesser compensation. For what reason would the strain of being the lone worker fall on the pitiable shoulders of men, previously dropping from the unwieldy load of man centric society.

While men may have a place with an advantaged sex, they\’re not a homogeneous gathering. A Dalit man, for instance , is persecuted by individuals of all sexual orientations who are savarna, including ladies. From unobtrusive kinds of segregation like forswearing of open positions or development at the work environment, to rough demonstrations beginning from embarrassment and murder, men from mistreated standing gatherings and networks are exposed to a few kinds of infringement. The culprits of such demonstrations are regularly men.

Gender is the explication of society which is dragged by race, caste, country. South Asian countries like India have suppressed men to fit into a prince charming, a gentleman. This leads to gender- biased stereotypes. They are discriminated against on the basis of income, sexuality, alternative views.

It is additionally critical to be cognisant of the inconsistencies being brought about by changing sex standards. Guardians urge their young ladies to play games and assemble things, yet many discover it agitating when their little fellows need to exchange a football for a doll. There are substantially more impetuous for women to act manly than there are for men to act feminine. The manly persona has subsided however the female persona. Men are as yet taking care of colossal strain to be \’men\’. There are significantly more motivating forces for women to act manly than there are for men to act ladylike.

Men are known as malign. They are considered to be a devil. But this is truly wrong. Women have been playing dangerous games against men. Women have become wicked. It is a high time to fight for men. They are suffering regularly. Men have been facing domestic violence by their wives or partners. According to studies, 52.4% of Indian men face gender-equality, and 51.5% of men tolerate gender-based violence by their companion. Reports don’t lodged in favour of men. Some are not even reported due to embarrassment. They thought that society would troll them. 

Women\’s activists do recognize the need to have a talk around manliness and in this way the \’can\’t keep those rowdy boys down culture. Notwithstanding, they additionally implies that censuring ladies is anything but a pre-essential to having such a conversation. Maybe rather than requesting a men\’s bonus which could additionally confuse sexual orientation based issues, the men\’s privileges activists, women\’s activists say, should address bogus thoughts of manliness driving them to suit a cliché thought of how men carry on.

2 thoughts on “Men’s Right Movement All Over Globe”

  1. For the last time, feminism is not about oppressing men, it is about ensuring that women get EQUAL rights, NOT more rights than men. I agree that the law on many men’s issues is in a gray area and definitely needs clarification, but the only way that can be done is if men and women work together to achieve that. This article tries to unnecessarily villainize women, and also makes the position of men weaker than it truly is. The problem is patriarchal society, and all the problems that men face according to this article are a direct product of that. Neither women nor men are the villain, this article could have made solid points but instead, it chose to continue hate-mongering.

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