Red flags in a relationship for men

Red flags in a relationship are often ignored just because of the love you carry for your woman but sometimes ignoring the red flags too much might put your future in danger. Choosing the wrong partner is very easy but choosing the right partner is godly. Although, realizing the red flags of a person before choosing to live your life with them will be a wise decision. You surely love your spouse but that doesn’t mean they’ll be forever good to you.

There are some red flags that you shouldn’t miss out on or ignore at all,

1. The blame-game

If your woman never takes the blame for their own mistakes and somehow makes it turn into your fault, it\’s time you might not consider the relationship. In the future, it might affect you and your women might be too dominating to let you live in peace.

2. The gold digger

If your woman is constantly and unnecessarily intervening in your finances, family business, and expenditure and also keeps making you buy her one thing or another even if it’s not your will? It might be a big chance she’s there with you just for your money.

3. Their words and actions don’t match

If your woman is being sweet and all lovey-dovey by words and keeps telling you how much she loves you or needs you but in actions, you never feel any of it but the opposite, it\’s a big red flag. You should not entertain it for very long and step out.

4. Excessive Aggressive nature

If your woman is regularly aggressive and keeps getting angry at regular intervals and her anger makes you feel intimidated and insecure? Then it’s time to move on.

Her behavior might cost you a lot in the future.

5. They don’t publicly accept you

If your partner refuses to publicize you or is shy to make you meet her friends, it’s a big red flag. It shows how much she respects you and what she thinks of you.

6. Lack of respect

If your woman doesn’t respect you, care for you, genuinely be there for you or understand you? It\’s a big no. You should step out of the relationship if it\’s the case, since if there’s no respect in a relationship? It\’s dead already.

7. Extremely insecure and jealous

If your woman is extremely insecure and jealous of everything you have or with people you go with, it might affect your later life with her. If she does the same things but is jealous or insecure when you have to do them? Then it might be problematic.

8. Lack of Importance

If there’s a lack of importance from her to you and you constantly feel that she doesn’t need you for real then you should try stepping out of the relationship because once you know you are not that much needed, you shouldn’t give a second chance to make yourself realize the same.

9. She doesn\’t behave well with your knowns

If she does not respect or behave with the people you make her meet and she always insults your company or your relatives, it\’s not fine and you should not consider spending your life with her.

10. Gaslighting

Gaslighting is a common tactic of manipulation, if she constantly gaslights you it might affect your emotional well-being and will make you question your sanity and judgment. You will unnecessarily be felt guilty even if you did anything wrong or not. 

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