Urban men and feminism

What is feminism?

Feminism is a range of socio-political movements and ideologies that aim to define and establish the political, economic, personal, and social equality of the sexes. Feminism incorporates the position that society prioritized the male point of view and that women are treated unjustly in these societies. Efforts to change this includes fighting against gender stereotypes and establishing educational, professional, and interpersonal opportunities and outcomes for women that are equal to those for men.

How is feminism affecting urban men?

Feminism, as stated is a term used to balance out and equalize both genders. The term is not biased and is to make both genders feel a sense of equality, although, nowadays the term feminism is biased towards women which has hurt the sanctity of the urban men in the country.

Feminism is supposed to make both genders feel equal but instead of this, women have been misusing the term to dominate the men of the country. 

Women have been taking undue advantage by using the word “feminism” and have been exploiting men.

Feminism was not supposed to help only women to feel equal to men but for both genders to feel equal and together. The world has not only been biased toward women but men as well; just inequality is based on different things for men and women. although the women\’s agenda of this world have made blunders to the life of men. Many men are not even heard just because of this word. A lot of men are left hanging, punished for something which they never committed, are left unheard, and whatnot.

We agree that society might not be too good with women but that doesn’t mean that women can take undue advantage and even let an innocent man live his life unheard without any justification just because he’s a male and the term feminism is used.

A man, in general, is not afraid of equality between both genders, and in fact, men nowadays encourage females for their growth in various fields. Men have never intentionally wanted women to not grow or feel dominated. The women themselves have never taken a step forward and now when they have taken a step forward, they have taken two steps forward by second misusing it too for their advantage.

Strong men are never afraid of equality but they are surely afraid of the injustice done to them just by the use of the word “feminism”. 

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