Fighting a bogus case filed by a wife, such as a 498A or Domestic Violence case, can be extremely emotionally and mentally draining. When a husband is involved in a false matrimonial case he goes through a tough journey of self-doubt, frustration, fear, torture and confusion. Anger is the most common reaction to such situations and many other emotional aspects also come to surface. It is an undeniable fact that men in Indian society are already burdened with the societal pressure to earn well and feed their families due to which most men are so stressed out as a result of these incidents that they with their mental health and some might even suffer from anxiety and depression. It is a trauma to deal with police and courts and it gets so excruciating that some men contemplate suicide. According to NCRB data, this is one of the many reasons why married men commit suicide three times more than married women. Furthermore, these figures are getting worse by the year.

Fraud matrimonial cases have a life cycle. It takes at least 3 to5 years for a matrimonial case to finish or in most cases such cases reach a settlement stage. Consequently, it is critical to recognize that these issues are complex and will not be resolved overnight. Legal victories take time to achieve. To achieve success in court, one must remain motivated for an extended period of time. Although there is no guarantee that there will be no downtime. In life, there are always good and bad days. However, in order to triumph cases, one must be highly motivated and have a positive outlook on life along with patience. For the desired outcome in false cases, one must learn to hold patience and understand that justice is a slow process but not a futile one.

Here are some aspects that one should keep ion their mind while dealing with false matrimonial cases which shall help an aggrieved person to make sense of what is happening around them also keep patience with the process in order to not lose hope and sense of self-worth.

  1. Understanding that it isn’t your fault: Most husbands are harassed not because they are victims of the judiciary, but because they have to witness their elderly parents being dragged into police and court machinery. In this process which is uncalled for, for any person who married someone for leading a happy life with a supporting company and which ends up in a painful journey effects the mental and psychological health of a man and in the process, they begin to regret their decision to marry their wives and curse themselves for making such poor choices. The guilt of realizing that their life is meaningless while everyone else appears to be happy leads to depression. This feeling slowly takes away self-pride and the husband considers himself useless and looser in life. It is extremely important for a person to understand that self-guilt and self-doubt weakens a person’s aura and mind set to think in a sane way and it the need of the hour asks the contrary and such mind set should be kept under control and should be avoided to focus on what is required to be focused on. Life is progressing. As a result, husbands must look forward to what life has in store for them rather than dwelling on how they could have avoided past mistakes. Thinking about the past is undeniably painful but thinking about the present and future is inevitably crucial. To do so, husbands must forgive themselves for their past mistakes. Only when they forgive themselves will they be forgiven by their parents and those they care about.
  2. Consider your accomplishments: One of the most powerful ways to forgive yourself is to reflect on one’s life achievements. What you accomplish as a fighter against false cases is far greater than one realizes. You have chosen to prove your innocence rather than succumb to the pressures of legal extortion. That in and of itself is a. great achievement. Success is never flawless. It’s run-down and full of rejections. You may be experiencing rejection at the moment, but you are on the right track. You are on your way to becoming a better and wiser version of yourself, and people will enjoy having you around.
  3. Detachment: It is especially important for fathers who are estranged from their children. Fathers are well aware that their wives may use their children in a personal vendetta against them. Due to gender-biased laws, the wife receives custody of the children following divorce, leaving the husband with only memories of his children and strong desires to see and meet them. However, emotional attachment to their children can make husbands weak if they are overly invested in them. Custody battles are similar to tugs of war, with children at the center of the conflict. In custody battles, most fathers choose to leave their children with their mothers. In divorce negotiations and bargaining, wives may use their children to twist their husbands’ arms. As a result, husbands should seriously consider emotionally detaching from their children. It is, however, easier said than done. However, if husbands continue to perform their duties towards their children without being emotionally invested, they will be able to think more rationally and do what is right for the larger battle. It is sometimes only a matter of time before a child recognizes the toxic nature of a mother or the inadequacy of a father and willingly reunites with the father. Until then, it is critical to practice emotional detachment from children. Even if a husband does not have children, he can practice emotional detachment from his cases in order to think rationally.
  4. Accept your vulnerabilities: It would be a cliché to say that no one is perfect. Each of us has flaws and imperfections. This is what distinguishes it as normal and human. Not all of the decisions we’ve made in the past have proven to be the best of our lives. Our poor decisions, on the other hand, have taught us the most. We are all insecure and afraid deep down. This is what distinguishes us. But we always hide this side of ourselves from the rest of the world. Even successful people experience the same emotions as we do without telling anyone. When you begin to accept this aspect of yourself, you will make efforts to overcome it society.

Your life may appear to be a shamble right now. But you can’t stay here forever or stop living. Do we really stop eating after having one bad meal? Do we really have to stop travelling if we have one mishap? So, why should we give up on living a full and happy life because of a bad marriage decision? Life is precious to experience various things that provide us with an abundance of everything. This is the time to love yourself as much as you have loved anyone else. Make an investment in yourself.

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