How to Present Your Case in Court

How to present your case in court

Following points are to be taken care of by a litigant/advocate while fighting the case in court & facing the judge:-

  1. To know your facts – accurate dates, circumstances, people involved should be well known by your advocate or by client himself.
  2. To know your Laws – knowledge of sections involved in your case should be there. Minimal requirement of knowledge is must. Facts should be very strong.
  3. Prosecution – In Criminal Cases, accusations or reason of being accused & in cases of defence, where were you at the time of incident etc.
  4. Language of Court – Never use foul language in Court, It won’t take you any where.
  5. You should be very mild while keeping your case in front of court. You should never be rigid & try to convince as much as possible – Aggression in court will never yield results. Your body language is observed in court, so be soft but keep your point with confidence.
  6. Spontaneity of answers is always appreciated – If you are well prepared and your answers to questions put forth are spontaneous, it is generally observed by the Judge. Spontaneity makes the judge believe in you.
  7. Try to gain as much time as possible from Court.
  8. You should be well versed with your File.
  9. Be a listener – Only if you listen to what the other side has to say will you be able to prepare yourself well for the case. The court relies on specifics and counters which can be prepared only if you know where the opposition is leading.
  10. Always remember that while standing in Court, you are playing a role of a social worker. 
  11. Be polite, courteous, and respectful to all parties. This includes the judge, court staff, your witnesses, opposing counsel, opposing party, and opposing witnesses.
  12. Remember that the other party or their lawyer may wish to cross-examine you afterward, just like any other witness. You can be cross-examined on information contained in any affidavits you have filed, as well as the testimony you gave in court, or any other information or statements you have made.
  13. If you plan on calling yourself as a witness, you should make a note of this on any witness lists you provide to the court beforehand.
  14. Lawyers are helpful because they have special training in knowing the law, the procedures and how to present a case in court. Sometimes lawyers can be hired to do certain parts of your case. This is often referred to as ‘unbundling legal services.’ This means that you could do some of the work yourself and pay for the lawyer to do the most important work or to review what you have done. Talk to a family law lawyer about what services they may be able to offer you.

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