Couples Spending More on Wedding, More Likely to Get Divorced: Study

In this era, when the wedding industry has a turnover of billions, a recent study may change the scenario in the coming years. A large number of people believe in splurging on their respective weddings while a chunk of couples are also there who are conscious about their wedding spending. According to the study, those who spend less on their wedding are more likely to last as they have lower chances of divorce.

 The survey was conducted by Economics Professors, Andrew Francis-Tan and Hugo M Mialon who had done several studies on Weddings and Marriages of over 3,000 people in the United States.

According to the study, as reported by CNN, the more a couple spends on their wedding, the higher their chances of getting a divorce.

According to their paper, “specifically, in the sample of men, spending between $2,000 and $4,000 on an engagement ring is associated with a 1.3 times greater hazard of divorce as compared to spending between $500 and $2,000.”

In the study, it was also found that weddings costing less than $1,000 have fewer or lower chances of divorce as compared to those who spend over $20,000 increasing the possibility by 1.6 in the sample of women.

What about the Honeymoon?

The expenditure on a wedding may not go down well but spending money on your honeymoon can is worthwhile, the study says. Going for a post-wedding trip is a good idea and it helps in lowering the chances of a divorce.

According to, the professors also noted that how important one another’s looks were in the decision to marry, also impacts the divorce risk.

The media website quoted Professor Mialon, “Reporting that one’s partner’s looks were important in the decision to marry is significantly associated with shorter marriage duration.”

What’s your take on marriage and expenditure on it? 


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