Kerala High Court Closes a Plea to Reunite with Lesbian Partner

On Friday, the Kerala High Court disposed of the habeas Corpus petition moved by a woman alleging that she was forcefully separated from her lesbian partner by the parents of her partner.

A Two-Judges (Justices PB Suresh Kumar & Shobha Annamma Eapen) Division Bench closed the case after taking into consideration her partner’s statement consisting that she wished to go with her parents. She accepted that she is in a relationship with the petitioner.

The petitioner claimed that the lesbian partners hailing from orthodox Muslim families were forcibly separated by their families.

The couple eloped from their houses on January 27 but their relatives approached the police soon and crime was registered.

However, a Judicial First-Class Magistrate Court looked into the matter and allowed the couple to live together.

Subsequently, they moved to Ernakulam district but according to the plea moved before the High Court, the parents of the petitioner’s partner were forcefully taken away her on May 30.

The petitioner also submitted that the police took no action even after several complaints from the petitioner.

She also said that if no action is taken soon, she fears that her partner’s family will subject her to conversion therapy and make her leave the country.

The plea said, “The petitioner respectfully submits that the detenue is under the illegal detention of respondents 5 to 7 and their henchmen. She is ready to come with the petitioner. She has been mentally and physically tortured and even admitted in the mental hospital alleging that she is mentally ill. The petitioner apprehends that the detenue will be subject to conversion therapy and would be taken out from India against her will. The petitioner apprehends threat to the life of the detenue.

The petitioner also alleged that the police didn’t take any action due to political pressure.

On hearing the matter on June 6, the Court directed the police to produce the partner of the petitioner before the court on June 19.

On Monday, when the case came up for hearing again, the Court noted the partner’s statement that she wanted to go with her parents.

Advocate Aneesh KR and Advocate Saurav B represented the petitioner.



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