List of Video Call Link Central Tis hazari

The Central Tis Hazari Court has implemented a comprehensive list of video call links to streamline virtual court hearings, providing a more accessible and convenient platform for legal professionals, litigants, and other participants. This initiative aims to facilitate remote participation in court proceedings, addressing the challenges of physical attendance and prioritizing the safety and well-being of all parties involved.

Each courtroom within the Tis Hazari Court complex has been assigned a specific video call link, allowing participants to easily join the appropriate hearing. These links are meticulously maintained and updated by court staff to ensure their reliability and to reduce the likelihood of disruptions during legal proceedings.

It is recommended that participants confirm the correct link for their scheduled hearings and follow the court’s guidelines for virtual appearances, which include maintaining proper decorum and ensuring a stable internet connection. This digital approach highlights the court’s commitment to leveraging modern technology to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the judicial process.

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