List of Video Call Link South Saket

The South Saket Court has embraced modern technology by introducing a system of video call links for virtual hearings. This system is designed to facilitate remote participation for legal professionals, litigants, and other stakeholders, thereby increasing accessibility and convenience. This is especially beneficial for those who find attending court in person difficult or impractical.

Each courtroom at the South Saket Court is assigned a unique video call link, ensuring that all participants can easily join their specific hearings. This organized approach helps prevent confusion and ensures that everyone involved can connect with their respective sessions without hassle.

To maintain the efficiency of these virtual hearings, the court regularly updates and monitors the video call links. It is crucial for participants to confirm their correct link prior to their hearing and follow all court guidelines for virtual attendance. This includes adhering to decorum, ensuring a stable internet connection, and maintaining proper etiquette throughout the proceedings. The adoption of video call links reflects the court’s commitment to leveraging technology to enhance the judicial process and make justice more accessible in today’s digital age.

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