Massive Expansion of Supreme Court includes 27 new courtrooms, facilities for bar and women lawyers confirms CJI

On Tuesday, the Chief Justice of India DY Chandrachud said that the Supreme Court of India will soon enlarge its infrastructure with 27 additional courtrooms, 4 registrar courtrooms, and some added facilities for lawyers and litigants.

The CJI revealed that in a bid to overhaul judicial infrastructure as soon as possible, the Supreme Court is planning of constructing a new building to accommodate additional courtrooms and other facilities.

He also disclosed that the museum and the annex building will be demolished so that more courtrooms can be created and also bar rooms for the Supreme Court Bar Association (SCBA), Supreme Court Advocates-on-Record Association (SCAORA), and bar room fully dedicated to women lawyers.

The CJI further said, “We need to overhaul judicial infrastructure at the earliest. We plan to expand the supreme court by constructing a new building to have 27 additional courtrooms, 4 registrar courtrooms and adequate facilities for lawyers and litigants. The museum and annex building will be demolished to create 15 courtrooms, SCBA, SCAORA Meeting rooms, women bar rooms.

He revealed this while speaking at the Independence Day celebrations organized by the SCBA in the Supreme Court premises.

The CJI further said that the Supreme Court has submitted the proposal related to the Central government and the file is pending from the Department of Justice.

Moreover, he said that as per the detailed plan report, the second part of the complex will cause partial demolition of the existing building in order to create 12 additional courtrooms.

He said that over the past 76 years, the legislature, the judiciary and the executive; all these have contributed significantly to the development of democracy.

He further highlighted that the preceding 76 years is a clear indication that the history of the Indian judiciary is intertwined with the struggles of everyday common people. He underscored that it is the responsibility of the apex court to reduce barriers that hinder people from accessing the courts. He mentioned that a well-planned roadmap is already in place to ensure that the Constitution becomes accessible even to the most marginalized individuals.


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