Potential Signs that Your Marriage is Finished

Potential Signs that Your Marriage Relationship is Finished

An old saying goes as ‘To Love is wonderful but being loved is what it’s all about.’ This is what almost every spouse expects from their partner.

These days men are turned out as emotional fools as they don’t see what people around them think about them. It is true in the case of men who marry narcissistic girls or are in a relationship with such women. Such men can prevent themselves from getting fooled by recognizing the early signs that their married life is derailing from the track. Similar to health disorders, early signs even in the case of marital relationships are better to fight and manage after-effect consequences.

The worst thing is that a man involved in toxic or abusive marriage cannot see the abuse in most cases at an initial and moderate level. However, other people around them can clearly see it. To understand it, there is a common saying in Russia that says, “The View is Clearer from the side.”

The matter of concern is that people who claim to be friends or well-wishers of the man even don’t help them by telling him that he has a toxic relationship. They give an argument that they don’t want to hurt the man but they don’t consider that they are already being severely hurt by the person who loves them the most or whom he loves the most.

Getting ignored, cheated, or left alone by the person who loves him the most is awful and that’s the reason many men end their lives as they are not in the situation to determine what is better for them. And also, they don’t get any external help to come out of this painful and hard phase of life.

With the help of this article, we have tried to aware men of the early signs that their marriage is not going in the right direction and it’s the right time to walk away or take control of it. By getting familiar with these signs, men can seek help before the situation turns worse.

Signs of Derailed Marriage Relationship 

Several actions are potential indications that your relationship is not going on in the right direction. Some alarming signs are;

1. She doesn’t give you consideration like earlier 

If you have started realizing that your wife doesn’t give you importance like the initial phase of your relationship, it means that your married life is not up to the mark and you need to reconsider it as living a lonely life is always better than being in a toxic relation. A couple of times, you can talk to her if there is something wrong from your side to ensure what’s the reason behind her behavioural change.

2. She prioritises her emotions, feelings, and values over yours 

In case, she always values her emotions, and feelings but doesn’t give a damn about your choices, likes, and preferences, it means she doesn’t want to live in a marital relationship with you or she is with you only for the sake of your money or properties.

3. She ignores/avoids you 

If you feel that your wife is ignoring you in several situations be it family or social situations, or it doesn’t matter to her whether you are in the home or not, no explanation can satisfy you or she is not going to give you a clear explanation behind such behaviour; it’s an indication that your relationship is not going to last for longer.

4. The ‘We’ moments are missing in your marital relationship 

Those earlier moments of love, sharing, and caring are the things of the past, and she doesn’t even talk about those moments to you or doesn’t enjoy them if you recall them and share them with her. There are no moments of pampering, love, and laughs left in your relationship, these are signs of off-track marital relationship.

5. She spends less time with you  

You are noticing that for the last few weeks, she doesn’t take steps to sit near you and talk to you. In short, she is not willing to talk to you and you always have to initiate and roam behind her to share your workplace story of the day, clash with colleagues, office meetings review, etc.

6. She likes to go out with her friends whom you don’t like at all 

Now, it’s become common for her to spend time with those friends or go out to parties with them whom you don’t like at all and your wife knows why you don’t like them. Still, if she doesn’t hesitate in going out with them or doesn’t wait for your approval, it shows that she doesn’t feel the need for your approval anymore and she is independent enough to take her decisions on her own.

7. She doesn’t pick up your calls or feel the need to call you back 

Whenever you call her from your office or workplace, she often ignores your calls. Whenever she picks up your call, she tries to end up the conversation shortly or tells you to talk to her later, or tries to avoid talking much on call to you, it’s not a good sign.

8. It’s you who cares about your relationship, not her

You always try to save your relationship but it seems that she doesn’t care whether the marriage relationship lasts or not. Even if you say that this way, it’s not going to work for a prolonged, she doesn’t give any serious response or reaction and takes it lightly, which means she is not too much into it.

9. Apologizing is not in her dictionary       

From the last few months, you are somewhere realizing that it’s you who always take steps to talk to her first after an argument or heated war of words. You always have to say sorry even if you can see that it’s her mistake or the wrong has happened just because of her and still she is arguing with and trying to prove herself right. And every time, you have to say sorry as you realise deep down somewhere that she is not going to do it.

10. She doesn’t give a damn about your feelings 

Whenever you share something with her, she either keeps on setting them aside or doesn’t even remember your simple demand of taking coffee instead of tea or any specific dish on a specific day or such other small demands. If you have to give her frequent reminders about such small choices of yours, and she doesn’t even give you a damn, it shows that you should stop hoping for any favour from her right away. And try not to share such choices or preferences with her and also try to be self-dependent even in your household chores. It will not only keep you away from the stress of ignorance of your wife or her betrayal.

11. She says she needs her space   

And when you try to figure out the reasons behind her changing nature, she neglects you or says that she needs her space or wants her time. Whenever you get closer to her, she tries to keep you aside by saying that her mood is not right or making any other excuse. Such frequent denials indicate that she is not interested in you anymore.

12. You found that she is cheating on you 

If you come across her chats or see her busy with hours-long talk on the phone and find that she is sharing some love talks with a guy, it’s an indication that it’s the right time to opt out of this relationship. Even after knowing that your partner is cheating on you, continuing your relationship in the hope that she’ll come back to you, is completely a foolish thing. By doing so, you are choosing a path of suffering, humiliation, and being ignored at every single step.

13. She is not right there with you in your hard times 

For some time, you are feeling that you have become alone even after residing with your partner. Whenever you feel that your wife’s hand should be there on your shoulder, she is not there for you. Be it your hard times or happy moments, you feel her absence even in her presence. It is also a key point to understand that though your wife is physically present at your home, she is not there for you whole and sole.

14. She often curses herself or her parents to marry you

When she curses herself or the mediator of your marriage even at small or negligible things, it’s a clear indication that your wife is not happy with you. The worst part is that she always tries to end every discussion with the statement that her life has become hell with you.

15. She doesn’t miss a chance to humiliate you 

You often notice that she always tries to humiliate you even at things that don’t make sense at all. She compares you with others to just make you feel lower or portrays you as a loser. It’s indicating that your wife doesn’t respect you, your work, or your sacrifices. It is one of the major signs that your marital relationship is not going to work for longer anymore.

Such other signs and behaviour of your spouse can tell you that your relationship is at a downfall and more likely to be finished in the coming years. Don’t let your spouse’s changed behaviour and push you into stressed life. Learn to spend time with yourself as there is much more to do in this life.

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