Why is being a mother natural and a father human?

Being a mother is a natural thing, once a woman has conceived she has to keep the child in her womb for the next 9 months until delivery, and the delivery pain and trauma which a mother goes through to give another human life is miserable but also a miracle. In all those 9 months, the woman creates the utmost level of bond with her child due to witnessing such a beautiful phenomenon of nature. Although, the father doesn’t have to carry his child for 9 months until delivery.

A father chooses to accept the responsibility of the mother of the child and the child makes him a human. Becoming a mother is natural because of the pregnancy period she has to go through, although when the father accepts and performs such heavy responsibilities for the child and the mother makes him a human.

A father’s responsibilities are way too huge and in most cases, the father is responsible for the financial maintenance of the child and mother. Not only this but a lot of other life responsibilities get on the shoulder of a father which he can choose to deny and escape but when he accepts all of them makes him the most respected human.

When a woman has conceived and reveals this information to the father of the child, he might deny and ask for an abortion due to the lifetime responsibilities but if a man accepts being a father and makes the mother assured of being there with her throughout and be there in the parenting of the child makes him a human.

A man when he becomes a father loses all his interest in his hobbies and passion due to all the responsibilities of the baby. He only thinks of fulfilling his child’s wishes and needs, he is always focused on giving everything he can to his child. From necessities to all the unwanted luxuries. He wants to provide it all to his child. All of these sacrifices of a man only for the good of his child make him a human.

A mother just has to carry the baby in her womb for 9 months and deliver, the father has to take care of the child’s finances, education, career, etc for a lifetime. When a father accepts to sacrifice a lot of things in his life and gives everything of his to his child makes him a human with the brightest heart.

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