Why should paternity leave be given the same importance as it is given to maternity leave?

Fathers in India are not entitled to paternity leave. There is no explicit provision for paternity leave for a male parent in India. A bill was brought in the parliament to provide paternity leave to the males but it was not passed and no law was made by the legislature.

Though on the other hand, maternity leave is safeguarded as per Article 42 of the constitution under the DPSP. And along with these several laws like the Maternity Benefit Act of 1961 have been enacted for ensuring maternity leave for women in India.

Maternity leave is lawfully provided for 26 weeks but no paternity leave is provided in India.

Parenting is a shared responsibility. Even the role of the father is much bigger than that of the mother. The new born child needs continuous care. For first-time fathers, parenthood is equally new to them. This is very challenging. Everything is so much uncertain for them. Responsible fathers have to figure out a lot of new things like the sleep of the baby, the emotional and physical health of the spouse, etc.

What is better for the welfare of the child?

Paternity leave is essential for the welfare of the child because it enables fathers to be more involved in the early stages of their child’s life. This period is crucial for the child’s development, and a father’s presence and participation can have a significant impact on the child’s well-being.

Paternity leave is essential for the welfare of the child because it enables fathers to be more involved in the early stages of their child’s life. This period is crucial for the child’s development, and a father’s presence and participation can have a significant impact on the child’s well-being.

A father’s involvement in the upbringing of a child can have a positive impact on a child’s development, including cognitive, emotional, and social growth.

Children who grow up with involved fathers tend to have better academic achievement, higher self-esteem, and stronger social skills. They also tend to have better mental health outcomes, including lower rates of depression and anxiety.

In contrast, children who grow up without a father may be at a higher risk for negative outcomes. They may struggle with behavioural issues, have lower academic achievement, and experience higher rates of mental health problems, including depression and anxiety. Children without fathers may also have a harder time developing healthy relationships with others.

The companies that give parental leave can recruit and retain the talent with comparative ease. Diageo, the alcoholic beverage maker provides 26-week parental leave to its employees.

In countries other than India, equal importance is given to paternity leave as is given to maternity leave.

Gender inequality is perceived negatively and it is majorly biased in favour of women as the hype has been created about it. And it will continuously remain till the time there is realisation of a father’s role in the upbringing of a child by the society.

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