Woman gave birth to a child after 10 days of Marriage; in-laws refused to adopt her

A married woman who recently got married in a village of Kanpur Dehat was found to be 7 months pregnant. The incident came to light when she was admitted to a hospital after stomach pain where she gave birth to a baby girl through an operation. The baby couldn’t survive as she was too weak. Hearing about the news of pregnancy, her in-laws refused to keep the married woman in their house. In the police investigation, it is found that two youths from the same village raped and threatened her to kill if she told about it to anyone.

According to the available information, the elder sister of the girl had died. Due to this, the two families mutually decided to marry the girl to her own brother-in-law. The marriage took place on the 25th of May. On the fourth day of reaching her in-laws’ house, she experienced stomach pain and was taken to a hospital in Akbarpur. The hospital doctors confirmed that she was 7 months pregnant and was experiencing labour pain. The news shocked them. After conducting an operation, she gave birth to a daughter who couldn’t survive more than a couple of hours.

When enquired by the in-laws, the girl’s mother told that the tube well operator from the same village along with his friend had raped her daughter. They also threatened her that they would kill her if she shared the incident with anyone. Out of fear, she didn’t tell about the incident to any person and had to hide the matter of pregnancy.

The in-laws refused to not taking the girl to their home. The people as well as the family members & close relatives of the girl are making efforts to find a solution through talks and convincing her in-laws to adopt her.

The Rura Police Station President Samar Bahadur Singh confirmed that they have filed the complaint against the victim and the investigation is underway.



Source: https://india.postsen.com/local/647283.html

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