Men Who are Accused of 498a

Men Who are Accused of 498a

In India, we often get to hear or read about the problems women face in their own house. However, hearing or reading about problems that often men face from their wives is relatively less. There are many husbands who face 498a complaints. Some of them are convicted criminals who undoubtedly deserve imprisonment, while a huge a number are falsely accused, victims. Moreover, many are NRIs, techies, or affluent individuals who possess more money than their spouses.

Some belong to families who presented significant amounts of gold to the bride during or after the wedding. Some are married to potentially unfaithful wives, some are diagnosed with NPD, and some other’s spouses suffer from NPD. While some are foolish and subject to self-defeating behaviour.

After speaking to a bookbinder, shop employee, and a call center employee, all of whom faced harassment allegations revolving around dowry. Additionally, wealthy families, including Prince Tuli, Arjun Singh’s grandson, Raghunath Mohanty’s son, and the southern actor Prashanth, have also faced dowry harassment allegations. The affluent husbands may fall prey to two different scenarios; they may exhibit self-centered or criminal behaviour because of their wealth, or they may confront legal extortion schemes.

Some husbands who confront legal actions are egocentric individuals. Many of them don’t show gratitude or appreciation even after a couple of rounds of private talk. Unfortunately, such husbands might encounter an even more self-centered wife who may manipulate biased laws for her benefit. In these cases, many people feel that such men deserve the treatment they have received from their spouses; the police, lawyers, and the courts; are to name a few.

There are certain husbands who continue to think of their wives and are ready to continue their relationship despite false accusations. It is a dangerous situation that may cause even more significant self-inflicted suffering. These men must confront reality and have control on their emotions. A wife who files baseless allegations against her husband and his parents does not love him. So, there is no chance of reconciliation after a false complaint especially when the man is sane. In such cases, divorce is only the best way to such a predicament.

There are some types of husbands who choose suicide or violence when they get into such situations, which is somehow understandable. However, this way of managing this situation is not appropriate or beneficial, even though it may be understandable to some extent. Due to these ways of reacting in such situations, why should families live with the trauma of losing or injuring their own child?

Assaulting the wife, or her loved ones can worsen the matter which can lead to additional charges and cases. Such actions can also strengthen the original case by forming a bias in the minds of some observers who might influence the case.


Recovery for Victims of 498A

In order to tackle the false cases and accusations made under 498A the defendants can make use of the following legal measures for recovery:

  • The husband as well as his relatives can file a petition under Section 500, IPC for defaming them.
  • Section 182 of IPC is another useful measure that can help you protect against false petitions made under 498A. If found guilty, the culprit can be subjected to 6 months imprisonment for misleading the Court and Judiciary with false facts and wasting its time.
  • The husband and his relatives can also ask for protection under section 9 of the Civil Procedure Code for recovering the damages they have to face during the trial of false accusations of harassment and cruelty.


Take Away

Respecting each other and adjustment are the key factors to a happy and healthy relationship between a married couple. On one hand, the matrimonial house is the second house of a woman and should be safer for her living. On the other hand, the dignity of man and his relatives should also be taken care of. The perspective of the society must not be biased for men and their voice should also be heard in case of domestic violence or false uses of laws against them.

The judicial system also needs to be more focussed on the evidence produced in court whether they are valid or not. Men are not culprits in most cases of domestic violence but they are portrayed like that on the basis of false evidence and witnesses.

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